Friday, October 25, 2013

Twist in Diet!

So on Monday, Trevor had another doctors appointment. The no dairy diet has seemed to work well for us. I've lost weight and Trevor feels better. So while talking with the doctor, he recommended that we get an allergy panel test done on Trev. So we went over to the lab and got more blood work done on him.

We just got the results back, and you'll never guess what he's allergic to. We were super surprised

1. Trevor has no milk allergy. WTF? So what made him feel better these last few weeks?

2. He has a severe allergy to wheat. WHAT? At the first doctors appointment, we did a Celiac disease test and it came back negative.  So he is allergic to wheat...severely? It gets better.

3. He has a moderate allergy to peanuts. Awesome?

4. He has a mild allergy to corn and walnuts. Random, right?

Mom reminded me that corn is in everything, corn syrup and such. The only thing I can think of is that when we went on the no milk diet, we cut out basically everything unhealthy and cooked pretty natural foods. (Which was fun for me, I've been creative lately.)

So, I guess it's more all natural eating! I don't see this as a set back, but more of a blessing. :) It's the extra kick in the butt I need to cook and eat healthy. It will, and has, prevented me from wanting to come home and just make a box meal. And I've found it's super fun to make new meals and try new things and follow a recipe that I've never tried before. It's a bit more expensive to buy foods when you try to avoid the processed food and go all natural, but you are what you eat. Why not eat good? I've found that if you plan right, you can buy a certain item, and use it in your cooking all week, to help you save. I've been learning a lot, and it's been super fun!


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